This Directory is only a listing of the independent providers and entities that are part of our Network of Service Providers. You may freely select from any provider in the Network. This Directory is not a substitute for medical advice and is not a recommendation of any provider or service.. Under no circumstances, should this Directory be considered as our recommendation of a particular provider and/or medical service. Prior to making an appointment or receiving services, you must confirm with the provider it is currently affiliated with our Network and what services are available.
This Directory is updated regularly. Redbridge does not accept responsibility for and shall not be responsible for the quality of care or services provided by a provider listed in this Directory. If you find any incorrect information in this Directory, write to us at redes @

Redbridge has its own global network of preferred providers with excellent doctors and hospitals recognized worldwide.
Find a doctor, specialist or medical institution in our network around the world.

Search Aetna's network for a medical provider.
Search the Passport to Healthcare Primary PPO Network first.
If you do not find a suitable provider, search the Passport to Healthcare Secondary PPO Network.
The online directory is for reference only. While every effort is made to ensure current, accurate data, changes occur daily and may not be reflected here.
Find a doctor or institution in the Multiplan Network.
Carlos Alvarez | Medical Networks Director
09:00 - 17:00